Uncle Dungeoning Ma’att – #12 The Warren


As a man of science, I find myself, more often than not, on the side of rational behavior and not following the footsteps of men more prone to foolhardy actions. In short, nephew, left to my own devices I would choose cowardice over heroism every time.

However, despite my enlarged sense of self preservation, even I could not deny that I owed a debt to Ferguson. To abandon him at this point without at least making the effort to help would be tantamount to an outright rejection of our friendship.


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Campaign idea I’ll never use – Moonbillies

Geo-political conflict causes Earth to lose contact with its moon colonies.


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Campaign idea I’ll never use – A Little Peace and Quiet

The characters can stop time because of science.


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Campaign idea I’ll never use – The Lost Treasure

The party are looking for a lost island ruin. They discover that one man actually visited the ruins and can tell them exactly where it is - the only problem is that he's a scurvy pirate scallywag known for his drunken rages, but equally known for his detailed diary.


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Campaign idea I’ll never use – Time Tourists

The characters are "time tourists", they travel back in time with "tethers" that let them observe, but not interact with the past, so they're in no real danger from disease, dinosaurs, Sir Guy, etc...


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Uncle Dungeoning Ma’att – #11 Agaricus, Lair of the Ants


Another week, nephew, another lesson in the life of an adventurer. If there is one bit of advice I hope for you to take away from these letters of mine, let it be this - when an adventurer says that a road is “well-traveled and secure”, what he actually means is that the road is filled with scoundrels and bandits, but that said adventurer is secure in his abilities to best most of them.


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Introducing Suburban Robot Games

Because I was asked, I've gone ahead and finished my games page. Right now, only my three public games are on there, but I'll be updating the page as I add projects like Dynamo to it. And, since I've already got the business license for the name, I've decided to go with Suburban Robot Games as my publisher name. I'll be updating the PDF files for the games I've already put out, but that will probably wait until the magic section of the AARG Preflight Edition is done.

Anyway, check out my page if you haven't already seen my games. Comments and feedback welcome, you can hit me up here or on G+.

Suburban Robot Games.
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The End of Dynamo

So that's it, NaGaDeMon is over and Dynamo went without getting the last few playtests in that I wanted to run. I've finished up the game document anyway, minus a few of the narrative items that I wanted to test out and don't feel comfortable including without making sure they work.

Here's the game document - includes character creation, combat, and the basic story structure. I'll come back to this at a later date and develop a more detailed GM page and some sample heroes / villains, but there's more than enough here to play a game, especially if you're already familiar with games like WuShu.

dynamo_preview Download the PDF
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Campaign idea I’ll never use – The Dragon Hunters

The party are looking to make their fortune in the lucrative arena of dragon hunting. Notables in the kingdom pay handsomely to dine on dragon tongue and dragon eggs at their fetes, and a whole subculture of professional dragon hunters has sprung up, although the life expectancy in that line of work is short to say the least.


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Campaign idea I’ll never use – Voices from a Distant Star

The characters are all employees at a mining colony at the furthest periphery of Humanity's galactic reach. One day, a message comes in from Earth - top priority.


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